Friday, April 2, 2010

Cheap or Frugal?

There really is a fine line. Don't you think?

Cheap: Used food from behind the local Chinese place

Frugal: Making Chinese at home. (plus it's WAY healthier)

Cheap: Finding a stick in the yard, putting it in the Eater basket and calling it a toy.

Frugal: Filling out reviews at Franklin Goose and earning money toward items you want. (This ended on the 31st, sorry)

This worked out SO well for me! I got 4 ImagiPlay wood toy sets, soy crayons, Potty book, Wahmies Pail liner and a Wahmies small wet bag...All for less than $15....Frugal!!

I am learning that $894 won't go very far at all. (Yeah, that's all I am "entitled to" according to the Army. AND....Once the divorce is final they say I'm not "entitled to" anything. A woman who's man has cheated, kicked her out and left her penniless with 2 kids doesn't deserve anything according to our grand Military...AWESOME!) Where was I?


Oh, yeah...Making $894 go further...Thankfully I do qualify for WIC and Food Stamps, but still, kids are expensive! So I am having to make some choices I should NEVER have to make. Like, used shoes for the kids or are those a needed new expense? I think new since every shoe forms around the original owners foot. The exception may be sandals/crocs. Or....Will these winter coats really last a second season? Or Do the kids really NEED snow boots next year? OR Can I buy training pants/big boy underwear? Socks? You know. Those things that are needed but you don't think about.

I am interested to know how others do it too. So...I am on the hunt for inexpensive yet quality items for toddlers and children. Websites that offer amazing sales, stores that I can go to, coupons and anything else to help.

I will also be loosing my van. The ex is backing out of paying the van and insurance like he originally promised...So out of that $894 I will have to get some sort of vehicle payment and insurance....I am hoping for some sort of job, but it will be part time to save on day care. I don't know yet if I qualify for day care assistance. So....As the bills add up the money gets smaller...

If I could wish for anything in the world it would be to never have to worry about money again.

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